Proximity Diagram

also known as:


  • #method
  • #medium/graph #medium/visual #medium/diagram
  • #roles/designer
  • #used-by/designer #used-by/artist #used-by/engineers
  • #tools/digital #tools/non-digital


  • Similar to Molecule Diagrams.
    • Structuring the level using a detailed, language-coded approach.
    • Providing a spatial overview of the level.
    • Determining the placement of level objects, gates, encounters, gameplay beats, and story points in a spatial context.
    • Establishing a dynamic relationship between narrative and space.
  • Coordinating space requirements alongside space allocation.


  • In contrast to Molecule Diagrams, you specifically want to describe spatial relationships, e.g. the size of the rooms/game spaces or the connection of specific rooms
  • Establishing connections between game spaces within the level based on how important their connection is.

Solution Approach

  • Create a Molecule Diagram but convey additional meaning through node size and connections.
  • Utilize all the principles of the Molecule Diagram while enhancing its meaning.



  • Decisions regarding which game spaces are present in the level and require additional information.
  • Pen and paper or digital tools.
  • Knowledge of graph theory.


  • Construct a Molecule Diagram.

  • Adjust the sizes of nodes based on:

    • Spatial metrics, such as larger representations for rooms of 50m² compared to rooms of 30m².
    • The significance of the game space within the level.
  • Modify the thickness of connections between nodes to reflect their importance.

    • Utilize different line types to signify accessibility between spaces (normal lines) or one-way visibility from one space to another (dashed lines). Apply creativity and only depict what you wish to communicate.
  • Apply the tips and principles from Molecule Diagrams.


  • A proximity Diagram.
  • An interpretation of the diagram, such as Map.

When to Use It

  • In the planning and designing phases.
  • When you want to imbue a Molecule Diagram with additional layers of meaning.

Relevant Roles Using This Model

Relevance in the Following Processes


Pros and Cons

Relation with Other Methods


Relevant Tools

Relevant Literature

Totten 2019 - An Architectural Approach of Level Design

The Metrics of Space - Molecule Design


Notes mentioning this note

Here are all the notes in this garden, along with their links, visualized as a graph.