

A Diagram refers to a visual representation or schematic drawing that illustrates various aspects of level design. These diagrams are used by level designers to plan, communicate, and refine the layout, structure, and key elements of a game level. Diagrams play a crucial role in conveying design concepts, facilitating collaboration, and ensuring that the level meets the desired gameplay and aesthetic goals.

Concrete Examples

A simple Molecule Diagram (https://www.gamedeveloper.com/design/the-metrics-of-space-molecule-design)

A pacing diagram from the game Journey (2012) (https://book.leveldesignbook.com/process/preproduction/pacing)

A general proximity diagram (Totten 2019 - An Architectural Approach of Level Design)

A Venn Diagram is another form of Diagram


Notes mentioning this note

Here are all the notes in this garden, along with their links, visualized as a graph.