
TO DO: Gameplay Axonometric, what

also known as: Architectural drawing


  • #medium/visual
  • #method
  • #roles/designer #roles/artists
  • #used-by/designer #used-by/artist
  • #tools/digital #tools/non-digital


  • “Communicate the composition of space” (Totten, p.54)
  • Represent the three-dimensionality of an object



  • You possess a drawing of an object, but its dimensions remain unclear in relation to the surrounding space. There is a lack of three-dimensionality, making it difficult to visualize the object when modeled.


  • For instance, you want to include a church in your level that players can enter. However, presenting only the outer front view, without revealing the interior in a 45-degree perspective, lacks depth.
  • You prefer a drawing from an alternative viewpoint (possibly from the camera’s perspective) to convey the building’s purpose and display its architectural details.

Solution Approach

Solution Approach

  • Use an axonometric projection to visualize the 3D space of the object and its environment.



  • Various types of Drawings such as plans, sections, simple Sketches, more detailed sketches, and architectural drawings
  • Inspiration drawn from the real world
  • Proficiency in understanding 3D space and correctly representing it on paper or through a digital tool of your choice


  • Determine the desired angle from which you want to depict your object (e.g., a bird’s-eye perspective). Typically, a 45-degree angle is chosen to convey three-dimensionality.
  • Accurately draw your object from this perspective:
    • First, from the exterior view if necessary.
    • Second, and more importantly, with a cross-section through the object, revealing its interior.
  • A more mathematical approach:
    • Take your object and draw a coordinate system within your drawing.
    • Project the outer corners of your object onto the coordinate system and shift these points along the three-dimensional axis.
    • Connect the points with lines to the original object, resulting in an accurate three-dimensional axonometric representation of your object.

      (Geometrical Axonometric, Source: Wikipedia, link - @Ag2gaeh)


  • An axonometric representation of your object, which can be a diagram, drawing, or sketch.

When to Use It

  • When you want to visualize the three-dimensional space within your object.
  • When you aim to clearly communicate a detailed concept of your object to your team, enhancing their understanding of your vision.

Relevant Roles using this model

  • #roles/artists Artist #used-by/artist
  • #roles/designer Designer #used-by/designer

Relevancy in the following processes

  • Game Development
  • Gamespace Prototyping


    • Like any drawing method, it is beneficial for conceptualization during the early stages of game development, especially before you begin modeling your objects.
  • It serves as a useful tool for team communication.
  • Apply this method when planning a 3D game and need to arrange the spatial elements within your level effectively.

Pros and Cons


  • It facilitates the team’s understanding of your vision.
  • It provides a valuable reference for artists, allowing them to model objects and locations as closely to the concept as possible.
  • It can be implemented both on paper and digitally.
  • Offers a more technical understanding of the level and assets.


  • Requires some level of artistic and mathematical knowledge.
  • Demands a precise working style for accurate metrics.
  • It’s primarily a conceptual design and still requires further development.

Relation with other Methods


Relevant Tools

Relevant Literature

Totten 2019 - An Architectural Approach of Level Design

Wikipedia about the definition of an Axonometric Projection: Axonometric Wikipedia Links

Stereo Orthogonal Axonometric Perspective for the Teaching of Descriptive Geometry

Isometric Projection in Game Development


Notes mentioning this note

Here are all the notes in this garden, along with their links, visualized as a graph.