Non-digital Design Tools



  • Put ideas on paper fast and at any place
  • Get inspiration by the real world
  • Use traditional media to make your outputs more versatile
  • Understand your product better

Tool Collection

Paper and Sketchbook


#drawing #sketching #pencil #maps #graphs #levellayout #characters


The traditional way of sketching is still popular among artists and designers as it is a quick way to pin down ideas, whether it is at home, at work or on the go. It is a very versatile tool to draw level layouts, a Drawing a Map, diagrams, characters or 2D concept art. In fact, the whole team can use notes written down on paper.


Graph paper


#scaling #levellayout #maps #graphs


A graph paper is a technical paper commonly used by architects and students. Additionally to plain drawing and sketching paper, it has horizontal and vertical lines drawn on it to simplify measurements and the creation of exact, technical drawings. Graph papers can be used to draw the accurate layout of a level with measurements, make asset and character comparisons in their dimensions and draw concrete perspective drawings.




#3DModels #sculpturing #characters #assets


Clay is a material that can be formed and sculpted into three dimensional objects. It is a common tool used by artists and also in pottery because the material gains hardness once it is baked in the oven. Artists especially can form objects and characters with clay to get a better feeling of their dimensions and how they are supposed to look as 3D models.




#scene #landscape #mood #reference #characters


Photography is a great tool to capture real-life references for ingame artwork and the level itself. If there is a certain place or mood that inspires developers, it is a good practice to capture the scene in a photograph for later use. Photography can also be used as a style choice and medium to include in the level, enhancing the variety and uniqueness of the level’s look.




#rng #decisionmaking #mechanics


When making decisions, it is sometimes bring a random generator into the equation. Using dices for decision making leans towards unpredictable story turns that can lead towards a more immersive and fun game experience since the players don’t predict the story turns and twists.



Notes mentioning this note

Here are all the notes in this garden, along with their links, visualized as a graph.

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